7 Ways to Boost Mental Health With a Workout

It’s the understatement of the year to say that emotions are running high right now. For all of us. In a whole lot of ways.

Workouts have always helped us with our mental health — but that seems to be the case now more than ever.

And, as we’ve been getting our home workouts and socially distanced runs in, we’ve been using a few different ways to make them even better for our mental and emotional state.

7 Practical Methods for Mental Health

We’re not talking about anything that’s too hard to do, just little tweaks here and there that you can try. These little tricks have been helping us, and we figured they might help you, too — no matter what emotions you’re going through.

1. Set an intention

Before every workout, take a few deep breaths and then set an intention as to what it is you want to accomplish with your workout. Is there a specific emotion you’re feeling that you’d like to release? Do you want to take a break from something (or everything)? Are you looking to boost your mood — or do you want to feel a certain way, like strong or powerful or simply in flow? Figure exactly out what you want your workout to do for you before you start moving.

2. Envision stress leaving your body

As you go through your workout, imagine releasing stress as you move. This is particularly good to do on a run or a walk — envision stress, anxiety, and any other emotion you’d like to release dissolving with every step you take.

3. Meditate after your workout

We’ve written about this before, but if you’re having trouble sitting down to meditate or making meditation a habit, consider making it part of your regular cool-down. Usually, your “monkey mind” is quieter after exercising, and it’s a great way to cap your workout on a mindful note.

4. Repeat a mantra

We’ve always been a fan of using empowering mantras to improve our workouts, but right now we’re liking phrases like “Let it go,” “It’s safe for me to relax,” and even simple words like “love” to help process big emotions and stress.

5. Pay attention to your inhale and exhale

Really focus on inhaling what you want more of in your life (joy, health, mental health, love, for example), and then releasing what you don’t want on your exhale (such as stress, fear, anxiety). If you can, visualize what you want actually coming in to your body; and what you don’t want to leave your body.

6. Embrace nature

If you’re able to exercise safely outside and away from others, then turn your next walk or run into its own meditation by focusing on everything around you. Feel the sun and wind on your face; notice how the light hits the trees and plants near you; listen to all of the sounds around you. Try to keep yourself as in the moment as you can and see what natural beauty you can find.

7. Choose your music mindfully

Are there any songs that speak to what you’re feeling? Or is there a specific beat that seems to match the intensity of your emotions? Put on music that speaks to how you’re feeling — no matter if it’s “workout” music or not.

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